Computers: January 2007 Archives
In my previous entry about the Pats, I should have factored in the Jets.
You see, the Pats three biggest rivals under Brady and Belichick have been who? The Steelers, Colts, and Jets. And every playoff game under B/B in years they went to the AFC Championship were won by three points except for games against their rivals, which were won by 7, 10, 14, 17, and 21.
So, Pats by 24.
I am probably the only one making that prediction. But if I am right, I will have bragging rights for time immemorial.
Oh, and also, everyone is still picking the Colts. For the same reason: they are "due." Yeah, they were due in '04 too, and they lost by 17. They might win, but it won't be because they are "due."
You see, the Pats three biggest rivals under Brady and Belichick have been who? The Steelers, Colts, and Jets. And every playoff game under B/B in years they went to the AFC Championship were won by three points except for games against their rivals, which were won by 7, 10, 14, 17, and 21.
So, Pats by 24.
I am probably the only one making that prediction. But if I am right, I will have bragging rights for time immemorial.
Oh, and also, everyone is still picking the Colts. For the same reason: they are "due." Yeah, they were due in '04 too, and they lost by 17. They might win, but it won't be because they are "due."
Ovid had a code snippet for opening a new terminal window in the current Terminal directory. It was in AppleScript, and because it's what I do, I rewrote it in Mac::Glue, and also rewrote it to work in iTerm, whch is what I use.
I have for awhile wanted something similar for the Finder, but never got around to it. That is, open a terminal for whatever Finder window I am in. So ... here it is.
I have for awhile wanted something similar for the Finder, but never got around to it. That is, open a terminal for whatever Finder window I am in. So
#!/usr/bin/perlIf you want to use Terminal, replace the lines about iTerm with these:
# Open a new terminal in the Finder cwd
use Mac::Files;
use Mac::Glue ':all';
my $finder = new Mac::Glue 'Finder';
my $cwd = $finder->prop(target => window => 1)->get(as => 'alias');
$cwd ||= FindFolder(kUserDomain, kDesktopFolderType); # default to Desktop
$cwd =~ s/'/'\\''/g;
my $iterm = new Mac::Glue 'iTerm';
my $term = $iterm->make(new => 'terminal');
$term->Launch(session => 'default');
$term->obj(session => 1)->write(text => "cd '$cwd'");
my $term = new Mac::Glue 'Terminal';
$term->do_script(with_command => "cd '$cwd'");
In regards to YAPC::Houston, and the summer I spent there 15 years ago, I am reminded of the Chagall Guevara song "Take Me Back (To Love Canal)," which has the wonderful lyric:
Come on, little baby, you'll like it up there
The wide open space and the big blue air
You'd be surprised what you can get used to
When your only other choice is Houston
Now Playing: Chagall Guevara - Take Me Back (To Love Canal)
Mac-Glue-1.30 has been released. Download it from the CPAN or
(Note: it may take time for the release to propagate to the various download mirrors.)
(Note: it may take time for the release to propagate to the various download mirrors.)
* v1.30, Wednesday, January 3, 2007Posted using release by brian d foy.
Dynamically load application's scripting additions before sending event.
Now Playing: Weird Al Yankovic - Phony Calls