Music: November 2007 Archives

A couple of weeks ago I got an e-mail from Steve Grove, who works on the News & Politics section on YouTube. He's the face of "Citizen Tube."

I had submitted some questions to the GOP candidates for the upcoming YouTube/CNN/GOP debate, and he liked them, and also liked some of the songs I'd put up on my YouTube channel. Out of the blue, he asked me about writing a song about the GOP candidates and the debate. That night I jotted down some lyrics and had a tune in my head, and the next night I recorded it.

Well, he liked it, and said he'd feature it on YouTube. Then he invited me to actually come to the debate, and do videos from there. I said yes, so YouTube is flying me out to St. Petersburg, Florida, for the debate.

I'll be posting junk on my YouTube page.

I also set up a playlist for the videos I'm making related to the debate.

I don't know if I will be on TV. But regardless, the debate will be on CNN at 8 p.m. Eastern / 5 p.m. Pacific, on Wednesday, November 28, and the aftermath will be posted on YouTube.

You Forgot Ron Paul!

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Many people accused me of leaving Ron Paul out of my "GOP Debate Song" (which has over 325K views this week ... yeesh!).

Except, I didn't leave him out. He was in there just like all the rest. You can even see his picture in the second version of the video that I did.

This, along with other similar experience of Ron Paul fans complaining about Paul being excluded (sometimes with merit, sometimes without) led me to write "You Forgot Ron Paul."

You may also wish to check out the outtakes from the Ron Paul Song recording session.

Ron Paul Song Outtakes

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While writing a song about Ron Paul, I had several aborted attempts. For the final version see , and those are Homer Simpson slippers.

GOP Debate Song

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I've put up two versions of a relatively untitled song I wrote and recorded last weekend. The first is the original live version, and the second puts other video images to the same music.

The first video is now up on the front page of YouTube as the top "featured video."


GOP Debate Song

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This is a more elaborate video to go along with the previous GOP Debate Song


The Grand Old Party's looking for
Somebody who can lead
Someone who is electable
And adheres to our creed
Some say the group is not diverse
They're white, they're men, but wait
The Dems have just one candidate
Republicans have eight

Rudy's leading all the polls
But can he win the base?
Mitt changed on abortion
Hist'ry he can't erase
Ron Paul would end the FDA
And that is just a start
Fred has just begun to run
But sure does look the part

Hunter tells us what to do
In foreign policy debates
Huckabee's compassionate
And lost a lot of weight
Tancredo says let's build a fence
Across the whole southwest
McCain is loved by many
And hated by the rest

We don't know who we're voting for
We dont know who will win
That's why we use YouTube to ask
Our questions of these men
Time is short, we're voting soon
And I just thought I'd mention
If we don't reach consensus, then
We'll decide at convention

<pudge/*> (pronounced "PudgeGlob") is thousands of posts over many years by Pudge.

"It is the common fate of the indolent to see their rights become a prey to the active. The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance; which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime and the punishment of his guilt."

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This page is a archive of entries in the Music category from November 2007.

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