Sports: August 2007 Archives
Please, if you wish, go to join Pudge's Picks for 2007, now hosted on
After logging in (create a new login if you don't have one), create an entry.
Then for each entry, click Join a Group. Type in "Pudge's Picks" in the search field, submit the form, then click on Pudge's Picks when it shows up in the list. The password to join is "longhorn."
Invite others, if you wish.
After logging in (create a new login if you don't have one), create an entry.
Then for each entry, click Join a Group. Type in "Pudge's Picks" in the search field, submit the form, then click on Pudge's Picks when it shows up in the list. The password to join is "longhorn."
Invite others, if you wish.