Rather than shunning Cosby, as Peggy Drexler says -- despite the fact that he might be completely …
Rather than shunning Cosby, as Peggy Drexler says -- despite the fact that he might be completely innocent -- we should shun people like Drexler, who demand that we punish people for merely being accused of a crime. I have literally zero evidence before me that Cosby did anything wrong, and therefore I have literally zero reason to shun him.
She says we should hold him accountable. She doesn't say for what. She is assuming he is guilty ... or simply wanting to hold him "accountable" regardless of whether he's guilty. If Cosby is innocent, isn't that ... well, blaming the victim?
And her assertion that if we don't shun Cosby we will enable future rape ... she goes from being a jerk to a dishonest and terrible person.
When is the time to for a women to defend an alleged serial rapist? Never.
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