Just a quick update for those not following along: the Patriots report that their normal, legal, p…
Just a quick update for those not following along: the Patriots report that their normal, legal, pregame prep of the football can temporarily modify the ball (probably due to increased heat) enough that when the balls are tested afterward, they can be up to 1.5 PSI higher than they will be later.
That number fits perfectly with the anonymous reports that the balls were 2 PSI under regulation (13 PSI). They allow +/- 0.5 PSI, down to 12.5 PSI, and a ball that loses 1.5 PSI after measurement would be down to 11 PSI, which is 2 PSI under 13 PSI.
Them's the facts. In fact, if what Belichick says about this is true, you would expect the balls to later be at 11 PSI, without any illegal manipulation.
It's the league's turn to rebut this, or agree with it, or ignore it. But at this point, there's no evidence of wrongdoing, because the only "evidence" (both actual, and anonymously sourced) has been explained away.
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