Dear America, Assuming the results hold up through the Iowa state convention, the difference between...
Dear America,
Assuming the results hold up through the Iowa state convention, the difference between Trump's and Rubio's finish is zero. They both get seven delegates. And Cruz gets eight.
It's similar for the Democrats: Clinbton gets 22 and Sanders gets 21. Or maybe vice versa.
One delegate wil not make the difference in the end. All of this energy and posturing about the difference between first and second/third place, who "won" and "lost," is all about marketing, not about one delegate.
Assuming the results hold up through the Iowa state convention, the difference between Trump's and Rubio's finish is zero. They both get seven delegates. And Cruz gets eight.
It's similar for the Democrats: Clinbton gets 22 and Sanders gets 21. Or maybe vice versa.
One delegate wil not make the difference in the end. All of this energy and posturing about the difference between first and second/third place, who "won" and "lost," is all about marketing, not about one delegate.
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